1. Codecademy: Codecademy is a great place to start if you want to learn computer programming. They offer a variety of courses, from beginner to advanced, and they have an online learning platform that makes it easy to access and use.
  2. Udacity: Udacity is another great place to start if you want to learn computer programming. They offer a variety of courses, from beginner to advanced, and they have an online learning platform that makes it easy to access and use.
  3. Khan Academy: Khan Academy is another great place to start if you want to learn computer programming. They offer a variety of courses, from beginner to advanced, and they have an online learning platform that makes it easy to access and use.

There are many great programming languages to learn today. You don’t need to choose just one. You need to decide what’s best for your career or hobbyist goals. All of them have at least one of the best programming languages to learn today. We’ll start with the ones you’re less likely to have heard of and add the more popular ones at the end.


If you’re interested in data science, Kaggle has a series of micro-courses that will interest you. There are 14 classes, each about 5 to 10 lessons long. The best part is that you don’t need to install any software.

Kaggle Notebooks are the perfect way to learn Python, SQL, Machine Learning and other data science skills.

Stanford University

Stanford University offers a variety of courses that are available for free. One of these courses is the Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE) program. This program allows users to access and reuse the material created for this course under a Creative Commons license. For more information on this license, please check the CC website. ..

Computer programming classes are done at university-style and are quite in-depth. If you’re considering getting a degree in Computer Science but aren’t sure if it’s for you, doing these courses will sort that out.

Dash by General Assembly

The General Assembly online learning service offers a variety of paid and free courses. One course, Dash, is predominately featured and completely free. This course provides an introduction to web development and can be used to get started in the field.

The learning path is done project-style, with slideshows and Q&A forums. As you progress, you unlock skills as a reward, much like video games use. There are 5 projects and 1 side project that will help you unlock 82 different web development skills. ..

Web developers can make a lot of money through formal training, but this won’t get you a high-income job. However, it will get you started as a hobbyist so you can develop those income-earning skills through more formal training.


StudyTonight is a great way to learn new languages. Whether you want to learn a new language for fun or for work, there’s probably a course here that will interest you. The courses and tutorials are text-heavy and thorough, making them easy to follow. However, the academic nature of the program may be off-putting for some people.

Computer programming classes often go into the history of a language or technology, laying out versions of it with notes. Although, StudyTonight does have its own YouTube channel. You can learn to program with StudyTonight, but it might work best for people who are looking for resources in addition to their formal studies. It is ad-supported and that can be distracting. ..


JavaTPoint is a platform that offers users access to a vast array of courses in dozens of different technologies and languages. There are programming, DevOps, drafting, AI, blockchain, data mining, soft skills for technologists, and more available on JavaTPoint. ..

The courses are well organized, but this is also an ad-supported site. The ads are definitely distracting as a lot of them are animated. There are browser-based IDEs and even browser-based compilers. But if you can’t find a free course on something, you’ll probably find it here. ..


Mozilla is the organization that produces Firefox, a popular web browser. They’ve created developer.mozilla.org as a resource for developers, with information on how to become web developers or improve their skills. ..

Mozilla is a well-organized, easy-to-read site that will take you from your very first HTML tag to front-end and back-end web development. Because it’s Mozilla, you’ll get their unique insight into why things should be done a certain way, too.


The world’s largest web developer site, according to w3schools, is their own. You might be hard-pressed to find a web developer that didn’t learn something from here.

The website is designed for people of all levels of experience. It’s easy to learn the basics, and then move on to more advanced topics. There are plenty of resources and articles to help you get started. The ads are a bit intrusive, but they’re not as bad as some other sites.


Mozilla is a nonprofit organization that has a vested interest in training new developers and enhancing the skills of existing programmers. Google, on the other hand, is a commercial company with a wide range of interests in web development, AI, and everything in between.

There are a number of areas within the Google ecosystem where we can learn just about anything. There’s Google Digital Garage, Google for Education, Google Developers, Android Developers, and probably several others we missed. Get into Google and look around. If you want to learn something, they probably have a computer programming class on it.


Google is a search engine, and Microsoft is a software company. They both have a lot of different places to find free training. The best place to start is Microsoft Learning, where you can find free courses on all of the different Microsoft products.

The Microsoft Learn platform is a comprehensive learning solution that addresses everything from programming to systems administration to Office apps. It can be challenging to find what you’re looking for, but it is probably there. Learning is gamified by awarding XP (experience points) and virtual badges and trophies.

Microsoft’s Skills Gallery is a great way to showcase your skills and share them with others. You can also check out Microsoft’s Channel 9 for more information on the latest software and technology. ..


Here are the five biggest MOOCs that offer free courses.

If you’re looking for a way to learn computer programming without having to pay for a certificate or degree, there are some free options available. You might want to try taking a free class first, and then convert it into a certificate if you feel confident that you could do well. ..

The courses at the world-class university are led by world-class scholars from world-class schools. The style is a lot like lecture hall learning, but with more comfortable chairs.


Coursera offers a unique and interesting experience that is much like edX. However, Coursera also has its own flavor, which I found to be more interesting. I have completed a few courses in both programs and found that there was some difference in the presentation style, even though both feature professors from some of the finest schools possible.

Overall, I found that Coursera was more informal than edX. However, this may not be the case for everyone. The courses are free to take, so it’s worth checking out both platforms! ..


Computer science, programming, and IT are some of the most popular subjects for learning to program for free. FreeCodeCamp is one of the top sites on the internet for learning this skill.

The Odin Project

The Odin Project is a full-stack curriculum that is easy to understand and follow. The website and courses are open source, and the community of developers who maintain it is passionate about helping others learn to program.

FreeCodeCamp is a website that provides online courses to help developers learn how to code. Many developers have found their first job after completing these courses. They even provide a course called Getting Hired. ..


Skillshare is a website that offers short and long courses from people who just want to share their skills. These courses can be good or bad, but they are usually of better quality than those offered by other websites. You can make your own online course and post it on Skillshare. ..

There are a lot of free courses, and SkillShare does have a premium paid option that allows you to access more courses. The free courses appear to be centered on web development. They might not get you ready for a career as a programmer but they can help fill in the knowledge gaps.

Get Learning!

There are so many free opportunities out there, you can take your time and not pay for anything. Even get help from people who are experienced in coding! There is no reason you can’t become a programmer or take your coding game to the next level.

We love to hear about what you’ve found and completed courses from different sites. If you have any thoughts or feedback about any of the sites we’ve listed, please let us know.