Being “bossy” has had a negative connotation since the dawn of preschool playgrounds. Whenever a little girl barks out orders or a young boy wants something done his way, they are considered “bossy.” This demanding behavior is scorned, regardless of age. You might be thinking to yourself, “But I’m a good boss” — which may be true. However, the real question you need to ask yourself is: “Am I a good leader?” Good leaders not only motivate and inspire their teams to perform at their best, but they are also part of the team themselves. They find a healthy balance between managing, leading, and jumping in to help when needed. They are constantly researching new methods and ways to be a better leader. People seek out good leaders to work for and turn to them for advice and encouragement. Find out whether you’re a bossy-pants or a bonafide Bonaparte by checking out the infographic below.