This is an IT Certification that is associated with CompTIA Platinum. Information technology experts provide reflective learning options, no matter what your favored learning style.
Studying for exams times can be difficult. Not only that, it can be boring and nerve-wracking for students. Studying for exams may feel like climbing a pyramid up to a vertical mount in the most horrible possible way conceivable. However, in the CompTIA A+ knowing what to study on, how to study, and more specifically, how much to study can, to a great extent boost your study quality and decrease the all-around annoying behavior and feelings related to studying.
The CompTIA A+ Certification
According to the certification exam for the CompTIA A+, the exam consists of two tests, the CompTIA A+ 220-801 and 220-802. CompTIA A+ Certifications were issued for the first time in the U.S from 2011 onward. They are valid for three years only but can be maintained through recertification. The exam has 90 questions, all of them are in the form of multiple-choice and performance-based questions. You might already be familiar with the examination pattern if you have appeared in any certification exam before however, for the aspiring professional it is imperative that he learns the difference between the two types of questions that he will have to face in the test.
Multiple Choice
There is a specific time limit of 90 minutes to take the exam. With just a little math, you can calculate that you will have a minute to solve each question, but usually, the multiple-choice ones take much less time to solve than the performance-based portion of the exam.
Performance-based exams have a rather greater present level of difficulty than the others. You can save your current improvement and with the passage of time, you can progress, just note the precise question that you do not yet feel you can finish in time, and continue with the test. You can come back to the questions you skipped at the end of the exam and review it. The maximum score reasonable on either test is 900, and the passing score is 775 and 800 correspondingly.
It can be taken in a number of diverse languages including Brazilian Portuguese, English, German, Thai, French, Arabic and Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Spanish.
Requirements for CompTIA
If you read the official content, you will come to know that there are no official prerequisites; CompTIA recommends that candidates should have some knowledge in the field of IT and around 6 to 12 months of employment in the field, before attempting this test or any other exams. As a result, when you pass the CompTIA and earn the certificate, it will help you in getting an entry-level job in an IT department, or it will provide you a reason to negotiate a raise. Computer Information Technology Association certification is an important milestone for the person who possesses basic computer skills. This computer technology certificate prepares an IT professional regarding, the controller settings in networking and system hardware, mobile technologies, security, and handling different operating systems. It enables him to install, arrange peripherals, other devices, and hardware in the world of Information technology. The second exam, as opposed to the first exam, focuses more on the understanding and knowledge of troubleshooting, security, operating systems, Android and Apple mobile devices. The first exam, on the other hand, focuses on knowledge regarding printers, software, networks and major hardware such as hard drives, motherboards, optical drives, memory and expansion cards.
Research Evidence According to Al-Rawi, Lansari, & Bouslama:
Al-Rawi, Lansari, & Bouslamaexamined the integration of the goals related to IT certification in the information system into the course. Comp TIA A+ is a popular IT certificate and authors have examined its goals then mapped it into the system software course, as well as into IT hardware. All the assessments, of course, are clearly mentioned in the syllabus and it is required that you pass the exam in order to earn the certification. Such certificates give an edge to students as they are always looking to enhance their skills and abilities and ultimately their potential for employment.
In conclusion, it is to be said that this CompTIA A+ certification is perhaps one of the most important exams for a beginner at IT. It is important for a professional to possess this certificate as it covers all the basic elements that are required for any entry-level job in the market. The difficulty in passing the examination ultimately depends on the extent of your preparation and the comprehensiveness of your study material. It is recommended that a person have some basic knowledge and 6-months prior experience in IT before he or she attempts to earn this certification. However, since this is an entry-level certificate, it does not have any prerequisites and everyone is free to take the exam anytime.