9 Tips to Secure WiFi Network

You must test WiFi security from time to time. “Is my WiFi secure test” is the best to crosscheck everything. As an internet user, you must be aware of the fact – how to secure your network. Here are the basic steps – how do I secure my WiFi. You can follow the same steps.

Never use a router given by ISPs

Internet service providers usually have less secure routers. This is because they have hardcoded remote control settings that can not be changed or customized by the users. So whenever they need it, they can limit the speed of your internet by accessing the router.

Change Router IP Address

As most of the routers usually have a common IP address, which is So hackers can easily access your router’s web interface. Thus try to change your router’s IP address by going into LAN, setup part of the interface, and set an IP address in the range of 1 to 254. So once you change the IP address of your router, then next time, you can access the web interface by using a new IP address.

Change Password and Username

Usually, every router’s administrator password is “admin”, and the username is also “admin”. Most users forgot to change, so hackers can easily access a router web interface and change or limit the speed of the internet. So try to use the password which has numeric, password alphabets and special characters. If your router allows space as the password, then also use spaces that will make your router secure.

Use HTTPS Access

Most of the routers have both HTTP or HTTPS access methods. So turn ON the HTTPS feature for routers, which will secure access to a router web interface.

Never Save Password in Browsers

Most of the browsers save passwords and cookies for different sites. So never save the password in any browser because doing so will automatically give access to other users of your computer. Similarly, if your computer will be hacked, the hacker will access all the passwords and usernames saved in browsers.

Update your router Firmware

Most of the routers automatically update their firmware. But if your router has not updated the firmware, you can update this firmware from a router’s web interface.

Use Mac filtering

Mac filtering is the best way to secure your WiFi access. Add the IP addresses of known devices in the Mac filtering option of your router and enable the feature. It will only connect the known devices with the internet, and all other devices whose IP address was not saved in Mac filtering will never get access to the router even if they know the password of your WIFI.

Activate Encryption

It is the best way to lock down your password. Just navigate to your router’s settings, and from there, set the security setting to WPA2 and set the encryption type to AES. Once setting this, you need to enter the password or network key for encrypted WiFi. This key is the key of your WiFi, not the router’s admin password, so try to set the password of your router in the same way as I have already mentioned.

Turn OFF WiFi Protected Setup

WPS is the button that can be used to connect the desired device with your router. SO if someone has access to your router, he/she will push the WPS button and will connect his/her device with your router. This connection never needs any encryption key or password. Your router will ask the device name, and after entering the device, the name connection will be established.


These are some of the basic tactics which can help you to keep your network secure. If you have any other options or ways to keep a network secure, comment below in the box, and we will mention that suggestion as well in our next update. As far as your WiFi router is concerned, we have published a new router buying guide, and it’s an excellent place to start

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