Slack is a great tool for communication, but it can be difficult to get started. This list of tips will help you get the most out of Slack. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, there’s something on this list for you. ..

Send Private Messages To Users From Anywhere

To send a message to someone on Slack, just type /msg @username. This will take you to their chat window, where you can type your message. ..

Slack is a communication platform that lets you easily send messages to other Slack users. You can also use Slack to chat with your team privately.

Mute Channels On Slack

If you’re not using Slack as your primary communication tool, it might be worth disabling notifications on some of its channels in order to focus on the main task at hand. This way, you won’t miss important updates from your colleagues and can continue working on your project uninterrupted.

One way to mute a channel is by finding the Conversation settings button in the top right corner, then choosing Mute #channelname.

To turn off notifications on your phone, you can use the Do Not Disturb Mode. To set it up, click on the bell icon in the top-left corner. You can choose a specific length of time, or even set up the do not disturb schedule to automate the process.

Organize Your Slack With All Unreads

Slack can be a great way to stay connected with your team, but if you don’t use it regularly, you may be missing important updates. Make sure to check Slack for updates every day or two, and you’ll be able to keep track of what’s happening on the team.

If you’re looking to organize your workspace better on Slack, All Unreads is a handy tool. To set it up, go to Preferences > Sidebar > Additional Options. Then tap on the box next to Show All Unreads. This will activate the thread in your sidebar that will allow you to jump straight to all unread messages from all channels that you joined on Slack. ..

To make sure only unread conversations and conversations you’ve started show up in your sidebar, go to Sidebar Settings under Appearance and choose Unreads and Starred Conversations instead of Everything. ..

Use a Slack Bot To Set Reminders

Slack is a great tool for collaboration. But if you want to do even more, you can use Slack bots. These are apps that let you complete tasks quickly and easily with little effort.

“Hey, I need to remind myself to do something tomorrow” “Hey, I need to remind myself to do something on ____”

Remind @username or #channelname when something important happens.

Hey, remember our lunch time at 4:30pm every day? ..

Learn To Use Advanced Search Options

If you want to see messages from a specific channel or person, you can add that channel or person to your search results. ..

Slack’s advanced search commands let you quickly and easily find the messages you’re looking for. You’ll never have to search through a lot of messages again!

If you’re looking for something specific in a chat or channel, type the word “in” followed by the channel or chat name. This will only show results from that channel or chat. ..


Has to search the messages for a specific element. If you’re looking for a certain link, or email, or phone number etc, type has:your word and then press enter.

Before: 2020 After: 2021-2022 After: 2024

Master The Slack Keyboard Shortcuts  

Slack has keyboard shortcuts for pretty much everything. This includes moving from one channel to another (Option/Alt + Arrow Down/Up), and formatting your message text.

To quickly access all of your keyboard shortcuts, open the Keyboard Shortcuts list in the top right corner of your Slack window. Once you know them, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and get everything you need from Slack with just a few keystrokes. ..

After you master those, make sure to learn some useful shortcuts for Mac and Windows keyboard to upgrade your user experience. ..

Time To Try Them Out

Slack is a communication tool that can be used to improve productivity and communication with team members. By following these tips and tricks, you can make sure that your team is always up-to-date on what is happening and can easily communicate with one another.