The app has a few pros: -It is easy to use and navigate. -It is fast and efficient. -It has a variety of features, including weather reports, news, and sports. -The app is free to download.

ToDoist is a great app for managing your to-dos. It has a desktop version as well as a mobile app, and it has many features that make it great for organizing your life. In this article, we’ll go over all of the features that you’ll find in the desktop version of ToDoist, some of the issues you may come across, and ways to make the best use of this version. ..

Using The ToDoist Desktop App

ToDoist is a to-do list app that lets you keep track of your current tasks and goals. You can add new tasks and goals, or remove old ones, and the app will keep track of your progress.

Once you have an account, you can use the app to sign in and access all of your information. You can also use the app to view your news subscriptions, read articles, and more.

The first main page on a website can be deceiving because it is only a small part of the website. There are other pages that are more important and will have a more important role in your browsing experience. The first page on your website should be the one that you use to get started and explore the website.

The first thing you may notice is that the main page on the desktop app looks strikingly similar to the online version.

The left side of the screen on your phone is where you’ll find all of your tasks and projects. You can view tasks for today, upcoming tasks not yet due, and an area where you can create and organize all of your projects and tasks.

To create a new task, just select the + symbol next to Add a new task and type the description of the task. Press Enter when you’re done, or select Save. ..

To create a new task, click the ‘New Task’ button on the left. You can also type a new task in the text field at the top. To assign a task to a project, click the ‘Assign to Project’ button on the left. Tasks will default to being due today if you don’t schedule them. ..

There are a lot of options available when creating tasks, which can help you get more advanced with your task scheduling. ..

Creating Tasks In TheToDoist Desktop App

If you want to set a due date for the task, select the Date button under the task name. This lets you choose a date and time when you want the task to be completed. ..

You can use the ToDoist app to automatically assign a date and time for tomorrow.

If you select the flag icon, you can apply a priority to the task. It’ll then appear in your list of tasks on the main page with the associated priority color.

By creating detailed tasks, you can keep yourself organized and on track.

In previous versions of ToDoist, this was a basic list of tasks with no additional details. In the latest version of both the desktop and online apps, these subtasks have all of the same features of regular tasks, including scheduling, flags, and even additional subtasks of their own.

This means that you can make sure that you won’t forget the small details within your larger projects.

Unfortunately, you can’t use two important features with the free version of this software. ..

You can group tasks by applying customized labels. For example, you can group tasks by their due date or by their main task. You can also set an initial date when you want to be reminded to start the task so that you’ll have time to complete it before it’s due.

While it’s understandable that a feature like labels might only come with the premium version, not including reminders in the free version is severely limiting. Especially considering that the free versions of most other apps, like Microsoft To Do for example, includes reminders as a basic task feature. This lack of reminder support could be a major issue for people who rely on their app for daily tasks, such as work or school.

ToDoist Desktop App Main Page Features

The arrow icon in the task list shows you which tasks are main and which are subtasks.

To see all the tasks you’ve added to your Inbox, select Inbox from the left navigation pane. This is a good place to store tasks until you know exactly how you want to organize them.

Today, you’ll be working through your most urgent tasks.

Select Upcoming to see all upcoming tasks that are not due quite yet. You can press the down arrow next to the month to shift further back or ahead in the calendar to view tasks that are due much later. ..

If you have a lot of tasks to do, you can quickly add them all at once by selecting the + icon at the top right of the main ToDoist window.

Quick Add Task: This will open a Quick Add Task window where you can type the task description, set a date, and add a priority. When you select Add Task it’ll go straight to the Inbox so that you can organize it later into the appropriate project. ..

ToDoist Desktop App: Adding And Organizing Projects

One of the great things about ToDoist is that it is very easy to organize projects. This is something that is also true in the desktop version. ..

If you select Add Project from the left navigation menu, you’ll see the Add project window appear. Type the name of the project, add a color that’ll help you identify it at a glance, and select to add it to your favorites list if you like.

Please add to the discussion.

If you want to create a new project, just right-click the project and select Add project below.

This places the new project just below that one, with an indent so that you can tell that it’s a sub-project under the main one.

You can add tasks by right-clicking a task and selecting Add task below.

When you’re ready to organize your tasks into projects, go to the Inbox and select Move to project. ..

This Inbox Organizer is a fast and easy way to quickly organize all of the tasks you’ve tossed into your Inbox. It lets you easily see what’s new, what you need to do next, and where you can save your work.

Other Observations About ToDoist Desktop

ToDoist updates your tasks and to-dos on both the desktop and web versions almost instantly. ..

The ToDoist app lets you keep track of your to-dos in a variety of ways, including on your mobile phone or in the browser add-ons.

We found small glitches in the ToDoist desktop app, which is a great way to keep track of your tasks.

If you click the notification icon at the upper right of the page, you may notice that the dropdown menu stays locked in place. Clicking the notification icon again won’t close it, and there’s no close icon to close the dropdown.

If you click anywhere else on the desktop app, it doesn’t close the dropdown either. The only way to get around this glitch is to close the desktop app and reopen it.

If you right-click on a menu and select “Customize Menu,” you’ll see that the “New Menu Item” dropdown has disappeared. ..

Since you may not need to use these frequently, ToDoist should probably fix the issue.

Overall Conclusions

The ToDoist desktop app is a useful tool if you don’t want to use up browser windows with your time management work. Keep the app off to the side and track your tasks as you’re working online.

While the web app is more responsive, the desktop app feels like an afterthought. It doesn’t appear to be as bug-free as the web version, and finding bugs in what should be a production version of software doesn’t give one the sense that ToDoist developers are doing a good job maintaining their offline app offerings. ..