Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Most e-commerce businesses redesign their websites to upgrade their SEO because Google has changed the way it selects websites for high rankings. The first thing to do is to delete duplicate content. Along with duplicate content, some sites have duplicate product description. These things will only get you low rankings and need to be changed. You want to give your customers valuable information and make them see that you are an expert in your field. To achieve this, a good website will have the capability to insert information including custom Meta descriptions and Alt tags.
Conversion Rate
The design of your website should denote authority. For visitors to convert to customers, they need to feel they are on an authoritative site where it is safe to spend their money, and where they can be sure to get good customer satisfaction. A poorly designed website looks amateurish and denotes uncertainty. A good site need not be complicated. In fact, simplicity is good. A complicated website will have a longer load time, which could send away visitors. However, you need to find a balance between simplicity and authority, so you don’t look untrustworthy, but visitors can get what they want quickly.
User Experience
Good user experience means it’s easy to navigate your website, and visitors can quickly find what they want in one or two clicks. When navigation is easy, the speed will be faster. The speed of a site is a ranking factor because it means the site is user-friendly. Large images, flashes, and other things can slow your site down, making it lower in ranking on search engines. However, visuals do have an impact on the emotions of the visitor. You want your site to provoke the right emotions to convert visitors into customers. A professional can do an audit of your side and determine the features you need to eliminate or change.
What Can a Well-Designed Website Do?
• Give correct information above the fold on the homepage • Pull the audience’s attention • Establish brand recognition and trust • Have cutting-edge security • Provide valuable content about the brand or products As a digital marketing strategy, the website is the main place customers interact with the company. This is why it needs to be attractive, efficient and have a high ranking. The website portrays the image of the company, and because many people look online first for products, the first impression is very important and will directly affect the market positioning and sales. A good design allows the customer and the company to communicate so each gets what they want.